'In this way I shall preserve many things that would otherwise be lost in oblivion. I shall find daily employment for myself, which will save me from indolence and help to keep off the spleen, and I shall lay up a store of entertainment for my after life.'

For James Boswell posts please follow the labels on the right.

This blog mainly contains reviews from the Edinburgh Festivals from 2008 to 2010 which I wrote for the Edinburgh Festivals Magazine. These reviews cover everything from comedy to contemporary dance; children's theatre to Handel.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Lord of the Flies Review

Lord of the Flies

William Golding’s novel about a group of boys crash landing onto a desert island and subsequently descending into a state of savagery, is a disconcerting look into human nature and the origins of society.

The Beacon Theatre Group makes this tale all the more convincing through some excellent acting by a cast of young actors. The lead characters of Jack, Roger Piggy, and Ralph are all well cast, with each providing a strong performance. Even during the applause at the end of the show, Jack seemed to remain very much the dominant and overbearing figure of the group. A coherent marshalling of the often crowded stage also adds to the polished adaptation of Golding’s novel.

While not adding anything new to the novel, this adaptation is nonetheless a solid take on Golding’s work, with some commendable acting.

* * *

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