'In this way I shall preserve many things that would otherwise be lost in oblivion. I shall find daily employment for myself, which will save me from indolence and help to keep off the spleen, and I shall lay up a store of entertainment for my after life.'

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This blog mainly contains reviews from the Edinburgh Festivals from 2008 to 2010 which I wrote for the Edinburgh Festivals Magazine. These reviews cover everything from comedy to contemporary dance; children's theatre to Handel.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Al Murray – The Pub Landlord Review

Al Murray – The Pub Landlord

We tend to associate character comedy with the very obvious personalities, such as Borat or Bruno. Al Murray, pub landlord is a more subtle beast. Like the recent political satire, In the Loop, we have to disassociate Murray with reality, no matter how close his character acting is to it.   

As a stereotypical British landlord expect a packet of Euro-scepticism and a few pints of Best British pride. Anyone meeting him has a good British name – possibly a poofy handshake – but we’re all the ordinary yeomanry of Britain, so it’s ok. Did you know we haven’t lost a war in a thousand years! What’s your favourite year then? Has to be 1945. Obviously it’s all went down hill since then. No national service anymore. And don’t get me started on the French. Go get yourself a pint.

It’s all a parody, of course. Al Murray is from an upper-middle class family of military stock and attended Oxford University. The fact this seems so far fetched speaks volumes for his talent.

A consistently funny act, whether you laugh at the stereotype portrayed or the views expressed. Murray has also taken the laudable step of doing a different show each day at the Fringe for a mere fiver.  

* * * * *

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